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How are you? First let me introduce myself, so maybe you'll understand more about this story. My name is Heru Tan. I've just finished my master in Architectural Lighting Design and currently, I live in Berlin, Germany. 

It's been a while since I've known Ko Yohanes, I know him from my friend. He contacted me in summer 2007, because  he was looking for assistants to help him tutoring in YP (Yohanes Private). In the end, I decided to be his assistant. I started on August 2007 when I was still doing my bachelor in Architecture. I tutored math, physics, and chemistry. It was my first time experience working with other people, so basically I could say he is my first boss.

I was really enjoy working in YP. Ko Yohanes is a really fun guy. And I can tell, he really loves teaching. He is not just the guy who will accept any students no matter what, so he can earn more money like other places mostly do. But he has his standard for YP. For example, one group contains maximum 5-7 students, he believes if the group contains more than 5-7 students, then the study condition will not be conducive. The class would be really crowded, and the students would tend to talk or play to others instead of listening to the assistant or himself. He doesn't like when students only want to learn from previous years examination's examples. He wants them to understand the concept so then they can apply it to no matter types of question. 

Beside tutoring, I learned so many things in YP, I learned that teaching teenagers is different with teaching kids or children, where sometimes the circumstances ask you to be angry or fierce with kids or children. I could say it because I also have experience in teaching children or kids in my Church's Sunday School. The best way in teaching teenagers is not how angry or fierce you are, but it is more about how close your relation with them. Less gap between tutor and students makes the condition is not awkward or nervous, I found it really helpful in my case. They could ask freely, without any afraid or nervous. When they are not afraid or awkward then it is easier for them to understand the lessons. We need to make the condition to be fun as we can, so the students will enjoy the learning situation, but it doesn't mean that students would disrespect me, they still respected me because I am older than them, but not because I was scary and fierce to them. I believe it would be really hard for teenagers to study when they don't like the studying condition. That's why I always treated them as my friends, and even until now, I still keep in contact with them. That's another reason I really like to work in YP. 

Besides that, I could also always fit my tutor schedule with my university schedule. Even though everyone knows Architecture has so many assignments, but in the end I could always fit in with my university schedule. Tutoring in the evening made me relax about how stressed the architecture student's assignment (back again because I always treat them as my friends), so I felt like talking and meeting with my friends instead of tutoring them, but it doesn't mean I didn't do my job as an assistant properly, of course I did tutoring them. And because I like tutoring them, so I didn't feel any burdensome even though I still had to work for my assignments at night.

In the end I worked in YP until the end of 2010, after I had finished my bachelor and decided to have a career as an Architect. It was really fun and meaningful experience. Now seeing all of my students have already finished their bachelor and worked in different kinds of company, makes me really happy and proud of them. Working in YP also built my character and attitude, because I learned how to deal with older people (parents), younger people (students), boss (Ko Yohanes), manage my time schedule, control my emotions, etc. I couldn't imagine how would I be if I didn't work for YP.

Finally I would like to wish the best luck for Ko Yohanes and of course YP!!

Cheers from Berlin,



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